Materials Used in Ornamental Turning - Dogwood

Ornamentally Turned Objects


Picture courtesy Richard Vanstrum

This is an excellent wood for ornamental turning, though I have seen little use of it.

The wood is highly dense but not as hard as woods like African Blackwood (Dogwood's Janka hardness = 9,560 N). The high density enables it to hold shapes very well, and the relative plain-ness of the wood allows for the ornamental turning cuts to show well.


This wood is difficult to find in large pieces. especially dried with no checking. Prototyping the design on is highly recommended.

Work Holding

(no notes at this time)

Ornamental Turning Notes

(no notes at this time)


Finishing this may be necessary to bring out the cuts. I use oil-based finishes. Be very cautious when applying the oil as it won't soak into the wood well except on the end grain. Color change is probable, so test on a scrap piece. Also, the oil will not soak in well, so care must be taken to not let it harden in unintended ways.

Other Notes

More information is in The Wood Database.

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Disclaimer: eMail comments to me at OTBookOfKnowledge @ The process of woodturning involves the use of tools, machinery and materials which could cause injury or be a health hazard unless proper precautions are taken, including the wearing of appropriate protective equipment.